The big problem today in our world right now is that exponential technological change is rendering so many things in terms of what our kids are learning obsolete. Forty five percentage of jobs today will not exist 10 years from now, and it’s crazier. According to Singularity University, between 2016 and 2022, We are going to see as much Technological change in the World as the entire 100 years between 1900 to 2000. think about that. So the idea is this, Stop asking your teenagers, “What you want to be when you are grow up.?” or “What do you want to study..?” they are dangerous questions. these are wrong questions. They get a teenager stuck on an idea of their future for a world that will no longer exist. When you ask that to a kid, they are going to say “ well, i want to be a Doctor, may be I’m thinking about become a Lawyer. may be i want to be an Engineer. may be I want to go into marketing field.
All these careers, all these jobs are changing because of robotics, because of Artificial Intelligence, because of advanced algorithms and emerging new technologies. These are changing at a rapid pace.
Peter Diamonds said, “ten years from now, you will not want a doctor operating on you. You’re going to be operated on by robots. “ But it’s not just technological change, It’s also that may so many jobs today are utter bullshit.
They do jot produce anything that’s actually valuable or progressive the human race. They are jobs in large multinational food companies where your entire career is about thinking up ways to come up with fancier names for sugar, So you can put garbage into people bodies, or to come up with ways to brand high fructose corn sugar as happiness in a red can. all most top marketing graduates are doing these jobs now. and not at all thinking about what they did for human race. We do not want that happening to our teenagers. So here’s what you want to ask your kid. Ask them, not, “What do you want to be when you grow up.?” but “ How do you want to contribute to the world when you grown up..?” That question changes everything. When you ask a kid , “how do you want to contribute to this world. .?” You are not putting them down a narrow path, you’re having them open up their mind to a wide field of possibilities and to a life that’s about meaning and contribution. They are less likely to seduced into a bullshit job selling more crap that we don’t need.
There may have fantastic and amazing answers from your teenagers when you are ask like this. that may help them to get a right path of career and which will help them to emerge a life that’s actually giving back to the spaces. And those are the careers that gives us the greatest amount of fulfillment. Thera are the people we need in the world today. So remember you want to prepare your kids for the future , ask them this one question , “How are you planning on contributing to the human race..?”